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Friday, November 18, 2011

A walk for Life

Just came back from  the evening walk with Everlyn... that was a wonderful evening, we walked for good health,  I get to unwind after a long day at work and we also get to talk about work, life, our fears, worries and express our views. 
Everlyn and I have been doing this for the last 2 years now, the routine has not changed!The Venue has...from the park to the golf course to the beach.. but after each walk, I feel amazing! This works my mood, my esteem and I also get to loose a few calories!
The best things in life are indeed free! so we sometimes decide to get adventurous, we walk in the park then reward ourselves with a full body  massage! Everlyn and Myself can be  described as two fun-loving girls, we let our hairs down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life! She loves ice-cream, and I love home made milk-shake!- Thanks to Yuls Restaurant, we get to enjoy all this!
As we walk every evening, its amazing that we always get something  to talk about....from  Michelle Obama and how we love her sense of fashion, her style her lean body! we end up making all the promises to ourselves:
  • Thou shall not take in the extra calories
  • Thou shall enroll for a gym membership
  • We shall keep time, and ensure our walks are brisk!
  • Thou shall go to the massage parlour at least once a month( Everlyn believes it helps distribute the fat tissues)
A walk with the girls does the magic! I get to hear what they think, I get to speak out, some of the things in file 13!
The girly chats, have a way of making me feel ......better! For now, I am with the program, and it has become a part of me!
Time keeping is a virtue! especially because we are trying to squeeze in this habit into our  very busy life schedules.Five kilometers later, I feel renewed, indeed the best things in life are free!
Am not sure if my dress size has dropped, but at least I have not moved up! I get to enjoy the evening breeze, watch the sun go down, chat with a girlfriend and loose the extra pound!
This daily congress has truly become a highlight in my life. I look forward to each walk  with unabashed enthusiasm. It’s a fun  as we have the space to vent our frustrations, voice ideas and give vision to our dreams.

 Friends,  get to hold up the mirror through which you can see yourself. Your true self, flawed, but beautiful still. They make you take a good look, admire, accept, and reflected back, what the world really sees, but even more, what the world could see. They hold this mirror when you forget what beauty, strength and potential lies within you, so that you can look up again, remember, focus, and follow those dreams.

I’m forever indebted.

So here’s a toast to Everlyn , who daily  commune with me, holds me up and holds up my mirror. I love you for it!
Emma K!

1 comment:

  1. Love, you look so beautiful in this pic. Love ur writing. simple and interesting.
