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Thursday, December 1, 2011

30 and Loving it!

I turned 30 on saturday 27th November 2011....yes the Big 30......Indeeed days, weeks, months, seasons have come and gone.....a year goes by very fast!
 A year older. Wiser? I hope so..... I don't feel much different even though every day has  brought new experiences, faces, joys, pains. I am now a mother and a wife to 2 amazing men. They have taught me how to love.
I sit back and take stock of my life..... Indeed am blessed!.  I Reminisce. Bring out my mind's dream board and see what path life has taken me . I add and erase, happy that in this life, you get to change your mind.
What age has brought is a subtle pause, slowing down of pace and a realisation that the best things in life are indeed free.... the lovely sunset, the sea breeze, the conversation with a loved one. I love my life!

It has also brought a  realisation that there is no rush to get to tommorrow. You enjoy today because it truly  all you have. An awakening to what is really important having nothing to do with titles-deeds, logbooks and the monies but everything to do with that intangible bond that kinship brings. The invisible chord that binds us all. Love, of one  self, of each other, of nature, of life and the true gift of life .
My 30th was indeed well celebrated! The calorie intake was too much:-)

Ken and Ethan, I loved the chicken, indeed it was finger licking good!! Am rockin' my burberry bag( you 2 got taste!) Naomi, thank you, the roses came early this time around and  that was the best chocolate cake I have had in a long while!
Everlyn, I love the gold studs! Joyce, the flowers are very beautiful- I love them!
To mum and Dad, thank you for the love, wise cousel and the prayers over the years.
 Njoki and Steve, you guys rock!- Ilove you ..
Jane, thank you for being a good nanny, Ethan loves you, Thank you for changing his diaper and singing him those lullabies....indeed you have become part of our family...

Thank you Lord for another year of a life abundantly blessed.

I'm in love!

Emma K

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