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Friday, August 3, 2012

My Daily Bread

Lately, I have had some very  tough conversations with myself ..... Especially regarding my weight! Yes, I know these are weighty issues that girls do not like going public about.
I am an African woman in all contexts but that does not gurantee size 16!
So i decided to journal everything I eat...and OMG! at the end of the day, I thought, NO EMMA, NO!!!

My mama tells me that I loved good food...When my sister Martha's did not feel like her Lunch, she would ask me to please clear her plate and in turn she would do me a favour... That was fine with me...
31 years later, I have started to ask myself some very tough questions. I want to be able to cheer Ethan during his school sports day, I want to be able to swim with him over the holidays, I want to show him that veggies are actually tasty and healthy, I want to be an example to him.

My gym instructor loves my determination. He says I need to loose 20 kilograms to get to my ideal BMI, I know I can. Only if I cut down on my calorie intake and run harder on the trademail. So far, I am loving it.
I like my  bread with butter, its yummy! but I really need to cut on that...really!

I guess that is what being healthy is all about, letting go of all the yummy, unhealthy things that we love to indulge in... the ice- cream, the cheesy pizza, and the sizzling steak with fries...

I will keep you posted on my progress, keep reading

My love,

Emma K